The world tells you that obesity is something you choose, and if you just work hard enough, you will see results. Right? However, the truth is much more nuanced when it comes to this topic. You can try all the fad diets in the world and might see a modicum of success, but it still feels like it’s always an uphill battle with two steps forward and one step back. There are many factors surrounding obesity that can make you more prone to developing it. Here are some reasons why obesity is not a lack of willpower.
Socioeconomic status plays a significant role in one’s chance of developing obesity. Low-income areas are much less likely to include various healthy food options, mainly only having fast-food restaurants available. Moreover, these environments do not usually have many safe public places that incentivize physical activity. When you get a bigger picture of this epidemic, you can better understand the reasons why obesity is not a lack of willpower.
Did you know that you can have a predisposition to developing obesity? The effects that these predispositions can have will vary from person to person, but if your biological parents are obese, your chance of developing obesity can be as high as 80 percent. Having a predisposition to obesity can feel heart-wrenching as it makes it very difficult to maintain any weight loss long-term without invasive medical intervention. However, there are other options available.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for weight loss that works through stimulating areas in your brain relating to executive function. With these areas stimulated, you can better control your desire to eat; this has shown remarkable results for those struggling with weight loss. If you are looking for a TMS clinic in Orange County, California, NeuroSpa is happy to help you!
Our bodies are naturally inclined to hold onto excess weight for survival, but in today’s modern age, many of us no longer deal with life-threatening issues that require us to keep that weight. Unfortunately, our body doesn’t know that. So, when you feel stressed, your body might interpret that as a survival response and incline you to reach for that bag of chips to bulk up.