Unless you are one of the few gifted with a photographic memory, it is impossible to have a perfect recall. As such, it is only human to have slight lapses in memory. We may forget where we placed our keys, pen, or glasses. This becomes more commonplace as we age. However, how do we know when something normal in our lives has turned into an issue? Learn more about memory loss and when it’s time to see a neurologist.
Getting Lost
With the advent of super-accurate GPS technology, getting lost seems like a thing of the past. However, if you notice yourself losing your way more often, this might be cause for concern. Abnormal memory lapses occur when you walk or drive on a familiar and daily route.
Misplacing Items
It is a widespread phenomenon to forget where you placed your keys or even look around for your glasses while they are on your face. But, if you are putting items in non-designated places, like setting the remote in the refrigerator, it’s time to see a neurologist.
Asking Questions
As our teachers said when we were in school, “there is no such thing as a silly question.” This is undoubtedly true; healthy curiosity is a strength. However, if you or someone you know repeatedly asks the same questions with the same answers, this is a symptom of irregular memory loss.
Get Answers
Have you noticed yourself or someone you know experiencing more significant memory lapses than usual? Memory loss can be stressful when you’re not sure if it’s serious. If you want to understand the reason for your memory lapses and learn more about the areas of your brain affecting your memory, then Neuro Spa can help you.
We offer Quantitative EEG brain mapping in Orange County, California. QEEG traces the electrical activity in your brain to show any irregularities. Through this careful observation, neurologists can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.