Nearly everyone has struggled with anxiety at some point in their lives—you are not alone. With many things in our lives pulling us in various directions, it is very easy to feel the anxiety rising in our chests. However, you don’t have to feel like you are at the whim of these emotions. Here are some of our helpful strategies to decrease your anxiety.
Deep Breathing
Deep and slow diaphragmatic breathing is beneficial in curbing anxiety. Deep breathing is helpful because it delivers a message to your parasympathetic nervous system, alerting your brain that you are safe.
A simple way to practice diaphragmatic breathing is to place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach. Breathe through your nose slowly, taking air into your stomach, keeping your chest as stable as possible. Breathe out slowly through your mouth, paying attention to the rising and falling of your belly. This breathing strategy helps your brain relax that fight, flight, or freeze system that can short-circuit now and cause feelings of anxiety.
Removing yourself from your current environment can greatly decrease your anxiety. Even adults need a time-out from time to time! New surroundings give your mind something other than your anxiety to focus on. Moreover, this reset also gives you time to think clearly about the situation and perhaps find a way to approach it from a different perspective.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is an FDA-approved treatment for anxiety that is medication-free, pain-free, and non-intrusive. It’s not too good to be true—it’s neuroscience. Many brain disorders result from abnormally high or low brain cell activity. TMS works by stimulating specific regions of your brain to rectify these abnormalities.
Are you interested in receiving TMS therapy for anxiety in Orange County, California? With NeuroSpa, you will receive an examination, consultation, and treatment for your needs. We’re happy to help ease your symptoms.
It seems almost elementary, but the best things in life are simple. Counting is a beneficial practice that helps decrease your anxiety. Find a place to sit quietly. Then, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and count slowly to 10. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you feel calmer.
Meditation might seem intimidating, but it’s pretty easy, and you don’t need to spend hours upon hours to receive its advantages. In fact, just five minutes of meditation per day improves attitude, clears out the mind, and reduces stress.