Prescribing medication is a standard treatment for neurocognitive conditions. While medication can be helpful, it isn’t the only option. The struggle with finding alternatives is making sure they are reputable and effective, which can be time-consuming. There is a wide range of other options, but many promising benefits have little research to back themselves up. Learn more about how you can effectively treat neurocognitive conditions without medication.
Brain Mapping
Medication often manages symptoms but does not necessarily present a cure. Moreover, finding the proper medication requires a lot of trial and error. But what if you could get a deeper look into your brain to see precisely what is going on? This is brain mapping, and it can help you pinpoint your issues and streamline your treatment.
Brain mapping monitors electrical patterns in your brain and notes any deviations from the norm. Medical professionals can effectively diagnose and treat a wide range of neurocognitive conditions with the data retained from this. Are you looking for qEEG brain mapping in Orange County, California? The trusted professionals at NueroSpa Brain Rejuvenation Centers will happily help you with this and more.
Neurofeedback training observes your brain’s electrical activity while processing different stimuli. Neuropsychologists can see your brain’s processing in real-time and treat any irregularities through specialized tools and exercises. Advanced neurofeedback is a treatment option that enhances mental performance, improves sleep disorders, lessens anxieties, and much more. Further, research showed neurofeedback training has encouraging results for several neurocognitive conditions.
TMS is a popular and effective way to treat neurocognitive conditions without medication, especially when it’s combined with advanced neurofeedback. TMS, also known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, uses the data from your qEEG to target regions of your brain through magnetic stimulation. Depending on your specific needs, TMS will increase or decrease the activity of your neurons. When comparing TMS to pharmacological approaches, it has better outcomes and higher remission rates.